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Spelling, punctuation and grammar at Springfield

Spelling, punctuation and grammar are an integral part of our English and wider curriculum. SPAG teaching is integrated into teaching sequences for writing and discrete lessons are also delivered. 

Children's phonological awareness and spelling strategies are assessed and informs teaching. Dedicated time is allocated for teaching and investigating spellings which are based on the spelling guidelines and lists in the Primary English Curriculum appendices. Children are encouraged to practise their spellings as homework and are given tasks to support their learning in class. Children are taught spelling rules discretely. Children are assessed through spelling tests and dictations on both the statutory key words as well as spelling patterns and their application. Word banks, along with dictionaries, can be used to support children's spelling at the point of writing.

Grammar Glossary from National Curriculum

Spelling information from National Curriculum

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Policy

Spelling activities linked to the National Curriculum http://www.spellingframe.co.uk

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