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Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The Foundation Stage at Springfield consists of a nursery and 2 reception classes. The children are split into 3 age-related groups – Owlets (nursery), Tawny Owls and Snowy Owls (reception).

The Foundation staff are as follows:

Tawny Owls: Miss Collins, Mrs Bridges and Miss Turner 

Snowy Owls: Miss Graves, Miss Burgoyne and Mrs Marshall

Owlets: Miss Bristow, Ms MaCarthur and Ms Somerville


PE day is a Friday for all of EYFS but we sometimes do extra so please bring your kit to school every half term and leave it here.

Monkey Do (Forest School learning) is Monday for Snowys and Tawnys and Thursday for Owlets. Please send the children to school wearing the appropriate outdoor clothing and named spare shoes in a bag. 

school closure homework

How do I structure my child's day - suggested timetable

Free online resources/games/activities

Free online resources/games/activities:

Minimash (Purplemash) = https://www.purplemash.com/sch/springfield-rg31

                         Username = red

                         Password = cat

Classroom secrets = access phonic and maths games


Cbeebies website for lots of different activities e.g. Alphablocks

Cbeebies Playtime app for more fun games and activities on a tablet

Topmarks.co.uk  = maths activities

phonics  support

For 50 (at least) fantastic ideas to try at home go to the website www.abcdoes.com/homelearning  

Follow the link to Home Learning – ABC Does and you will find lots of fun, play-based and educational activities to enjoy doing with your children.

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